Lynn Louise Says

Jesus Fake Trials

Happy Easter

Hear Easter Playlist

Jesus had how many trials? You answered --- 6 ---- right?

Take the Test:

What was the key JEWISH vs. JESUS problem?

Why did Pilate and Herod turn the matter over to the Jews?

Why is the day of his death named "GOOD FRIDAY?" BEST ANSWER

When is GOOD FRIDAY? - Friday before Easter

When is Palm Sunday? - Sunday before Easter

When is last day of Lent? - Holy Saturday

When is first day of Lent/Ash Wednesday? - 46 days before Easter

How to celebrate GOOD FRIDAY - give prayer of thanks - why? Great Prayer

Why did Jesus have to die? hint: To be disobedient is to yield to self-will instead of surrendering to God and desiring His will in all things. His death was so extreme and violent why? So we remember how Jesus saved us from the wrath of God

"What is redemption?

What happened on Holy Saturday?

OK, now what? What's Easter all about?

The fact that Jesus rose from the dead proves to the world that death is not the end.  That we are immortal - our soul never dies.  That's why Easter is so important.  See Jesus laid in a Tomb - HERE

Neither the old or new Bible testaments explain more. However, the Jewish Kabbalah sect has much more information taken from the Zohar text.

Most religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Judaism, and the Bahá'í Faith believe in immortality; however, the concept of an immortal soul is not believed by all.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was a German philosopher and an important figure of German idealism. Can death be merely a recurrent incident in the history of a plant or animal? That it has a place of its own in the scheme of things is undeniable as Hegel said; and it follows that it has significance only in virtue of its part and function within that scheme. Death contributes somehow to its perfection. How?

See Jesus Resurrected - HERE

There is another natural feature which seems to suggest the same positive conclusion as to immortality namely the cumulative character of the life-process. 

The history of spirit whether in its theoretical or practical activities shows this fact quite clearly. The past does not vanish. It is preserved. Knowledge experience character grow and growth implies this conversion of the past into an active element of the present. There is no way of accounting for the growth of human civilization if the process of living has not this cumulative character.

See Jesus appearing before Apostles - HERE

Now so far as I can see this fact would become practically meaningless if death ended all. Death whenever it came would set the process at zero: and death may come at any moment. Its coming is the only certain thing in man's life; but the when and how of its coming are the most uncertain. 

Can such an apparently lawless event as death have the importance that would accrue to that which puts a final end to the soul's enterprise? It seems to me to be much more natural to conclude that since death energy and matter cannot be created or destroyed, means life cannot end at death.

Many more saw Jesus after Resurrection - HERE

When is Easter?
Easter falls on the first Sunday after the Full Moon date, based on mathematical calculations, that falls on or after March 21. If the Full Moon is on a Sunday, Easter is celebrated on the following Sunday.

Why bunnies?  The legend of the Easter Bunny actually has roots in Germany, where Lutherans (a Christian denomination) created the story of the Easter Hare looking for good little children on which to bestow colored eggs. He is sort of the Santa Claus of Easter.

Why eggs?  An egg looks dead but has life inside, and also it is like Christ’s dead body, which was raised to life again. Eggs are a perfect Easter symbol, and a symbol of new life in Christ.

Faith based Easter Egg Hunt - HERE

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